So many kind people have given me awards that I wanted one to give to other people that have put time and effort into making a web site so I sat and figured out how to make one. I know that it takes a lot of patience and effort to make a page that is both interesting and attractive. Awards help to boost anyone's confidence. If you are interested in applying for my award just follow the instructions below.
1) Absolutely NO adult sites. 2) Must be children friendly. 3) Must have content and not merely links. 4) Must be a personal web page not a business page. 5) You are not required to sign my guestbook but it will help. 6) Email me with your URL and a short description of your page. 7) You may choose one of the awards above or allow me to make you a different one. 8) Be patient, I promise to get back to you as soon as possible. 9) Please link it back to my homepage: