Isaih 12:2 Behold, God is my slavation; I will trust and not be afraid: for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strenght and my song; he also is become my salvation.
This page is in dedication to all of the Americans that have perished or were injured in the Attack on America and for all of the firemen and police officers who have so willing gave their time and some, their lives, to try and save the injured. If ever there was a time that we as Americans need to join together and call on the name of Jesus Christ, this is definately that time. The tragedies that have struck our nation needs unity in Christ to get through. We need to reach out to one another and help. Any thing that we a nation can do to aid in this tragedy needs to be done. This is not something we will work through on our own. It will take the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ to get through it. Let us, the people of this nation, join together and begin to call upon our Lord for his help in this time. God bless America does not need to be our prayer, but to forgive us for this untoward generation and lead us in the paths of rightousness for his names sake.
Maker of this Graphics is unknown, but I could not resist putting it on my page because of the awsome tale it tells.
